July 22, 2011



Sir upright with legs stretched heels together, palms pressing on the floor by the side of the bottoms.
yoga vajrasana.
  • Fold the right leg at the knee and locate the heel under the right bottom.
yoga vajrasana.
  • Fold the left leg at the knee and locate the hell under the left bottom. Knees must be together and rest the palms on the higher things . Sit upright in a relaxed state.
yoga vajrasana.
  • gently unfold the left leg and keep it straight.
  • gently unfold the right leg and back to main point
yoga vajrasana Benefits;
  • Loosens the joints and muscles of the legs increases blood circulation to the lower organs area
  • Extremely good for the hypertension, sciatica and gastric intestinal disorders. 
>Slow maintain, deep relaxed organs breathing.


1. Stand upright with the legs together and palms together, Take the hands above the head  and bend trunk backwards. here ,breathe in air fully.
2. Bend the body to the front and touch the knees by the forehead . Keep the palms on the floor on either side of the legs. breathe in air fully.
yoga suryanamaskaram.
3. In this stage, kick the right leg back , take the left knee forward, look up and inhale. press the bottom close to the heel.
4.In the next step, Take the left leg also back, resting only on palms and toes, keep the body straight from head to toes inclined to the ground. here breathe out completely.
yoga suryanamaskaram.
5.Now, bend at the knee and rest the knees on the floor without altering the positions of the palms and toes. Rest the forehead on the ground. in this position breathe in air while moving backward and then breathe out completely. do not stretch the ankles.
yoga suryanamaskaram.
6. Without moving the hands and toes, come forward on the chest and rest the forehead. In this position sastanganamaskar . forehead , chest, palms, knees and toes are the eight organs that will be touching the ground . the bottoms will be lifted up. stay in breath-out condition.
yoga suryanamaskaram.
7. breathe in air, lift the head and trunk making the spine concave upwards without changing the position of the hands and feel. keep the knees off the ground.
8. breathe out. raise the bottom, push the head down and have a complete arch with the heels touching the ground and palms on the floor.
yoga suryanamaskaram.
9.follow the 5 th stem, breathe in air and breathe out.
10. breathe in air and bring the right foot in between the two palms and in line with them. arch the back concave upwards same in step 3.
11.breathe out and bring the left foot forward next to the right foot and touch the knees with forehead same stem 2.
yoga suryanamaskaram.
12.breathe in air. come up stand erect with hands in namaskar mudra and relax


 Means the body poses like triangle in yoga.

 Stand upright in a straight rule keeping the heels together and toes a little apart. grow the chest and drop the shoulders to a relaxed position. keep the neck straight. fingers together, facing downwards and palms stretched along thighs by the sides relaxed face.
  • Lift both the hands slowly by the sides till they reach the horizontally position as the right foot is moved to about a meter away from the left foot.
yoga trikonasanam.
  • slowly bend the right side in the same plane. The fingers of the right hand touch the foot . the left arm is straight up, in line with the right hand . left palm faces forward. stretch up the left arm and gaze along the fingers. (breathe out).
yoga trikonasanam.
  • slowly come back to horizontally position with out disturbing the legs.
  • fetch both the hands slowly down while keeping the right leg by the side of the other leg. same reat other side. 

yoga trikonasanam Benefits:
  • Stretches the whole body specifically the needle and back muscles. Stretch and relaxation of intercostal muscles, thighs, calves and hamstring muscles.Adrenal glands are stimulated.Messages liver, spleen, Pancreas and kidneys. Slims down the hips and waistline, strengthens calves and thighs.
  • good for flat foot , diabets respiratory ailments,
yoga trikonasanam.
    >Breathe out at whatever time you bend sidewards and breathe in air while coming up. normal breathing in the final position.


    Sit upright with legs stretched, heels together, palms forceing on the floor by the side of the bottoms.
    yoga ustrasana.
    • layer the right leg at the knee and locate the heel under the right bottom.
    • Fold the left leg at the knee and place the heel under the left bottom. 
    yoga ustrasana.
    • Stand on the knees making the trunk vertical
    • Recline the body backwards and keep the palms on the soles.
    • slowly untie he palms and return to 3rd point.
    • slowly sit on the heels.
    yoga ustrasana.
    • Unfold the left leg and keep it straight.
    • Unfold the right leg and keep it to the side of left leg.
    yoga ustrasana Benefits:
    • bendable of needle and blood flow to brain increases and tones up organs viscera and stretvhes  thoracic area.
    yoga ustrasana.
    • good for back aches, breathing problems, and gastric troubles.
    • Develops confidence.
    > Breathe out at whatever time you bend downwards and breathe in air while coming up . normal breathing in the final position.



    Sit with legs stretched , heels together, palms pressing on the by the side of the bottoms.
    yoga vakrasanam.
    • Bent the right leg at the knee and locate the right foot by the side of the left knee.
    • yoga vakrasanam.
    • Twist the body towards the right side and take the left hand over the right knee and clutch the right big toe. locate the right hand behind the trunk and keep the right palm on the floor and look towards the right side.
    • untie the left hand and keep it by the left side on the floor.
    • Unhold the right leg and keep it by the side of the left leg, that is the main point.
    yoga vakrasanam Benefits:
    • Lateral twist obtained, tones, stretches, the whole needle. Enhances lower back's bendable.Maintain health of the spinal nerves,Massages spleen , liver, pancreas, intestines and bladder. activates the gonads. enhances secretion of pancreatic juice and adrenalin.
    • yoga vakrasanam.
    • Good for constipation, diabetes, kidney prob,
    >Breathe out at whatever time you bend downwards and breathe in air while coming up. normal breathing in the final position.




     means a line of people walking in pairs, the bodylooks like a crocodile.

    yoga makarasanam Technic:
    >>Lay down on the prone with the hands above the head keeping straight alongside the head resting the palms on the ground, touching the chin on the floor, and legs together soles facing up. keep the body from toes to head in a straight rule.
    yoga makarasanam.
    • Spread the legs apart, heels facing each other, toes facing outsidewards.
    • Layer the right hand and locate the right palm on the left shoulder. Then similarly keep the left palm on the right shoulder. keep the chin on the point where the to arms cross.
    yoga makarasanam.
    • Remove the left palm and reveal the left hand, similarly the right palm and han and come back to point one.
    • fetch the legs together that is, come back to the main point.
    yoga makarasanam Benefits:
    • tensions like hypertension, insomnia.
    • Is gives relaxation to the whole body. 
    > normal breathing in the final position.



    Lay down on the prone with the hands above the head keeping straight alongside the head resting the palms on the ground, touching the chin on the ground, touching the chin on the floor , and legs together soles facing up. keep the body from toes to head in a straight rule.
    yoga bhujangasanam.
    • Bent both the elbows and location the palms on the floor by the side of the last rib bone.
    • Slowly lift the head and then lift the chest/ Feel the weight of the body at the lumber area.
    yoga bhujangasanam.
    • fetch the chest and head down, touching the floor with the chin.
    • Release the hands and place them above the head area on the floor that is. come back to the main point.

    • Keeps dorsal needle elastic and strong. Thoracic muscles expand and tone up all the 31pairs of spinal nerves.
    yoga bhujangasanam.
    • Good for back aches due to over strain work, neck pain cervical spontaneity,hunch back, reduction of the organsl fat, improves digestion and bowel action.
    yoga bhujangasanam.
    • Lift of kundalini is noticed at the body level in the form of heat and energy outbursts.
    >Breathe out at whatever time you bend downwards and breathe in air while coming up. normal breathing in the final position



    Lay Down on the prone with the hands above the head keeping straight alongside the head resting the palms on the ground, touching the chin on the floor , and legs together soles facing up. keep the body from toes to head in a straight rule.
    yoga dhanurasanam .
    • layer the knees and hold the respective feet.
    • Lift the head , chest and also thighs by tugging the hands and legs, so that the needle is arched backwards like a bow. look up. Return  to main point.
    yoga dhanurasana Benefits;
    • Slims and activates body . recti muscles that flex the hip joints are up to be helthy. organs fat is reduced.

    • good for breathing problems, back ache diabetes, gastro intestinal problems and improves digestion.
    • Shatters tamas and motivate the order.

        Breathe out at whatever time you bend downwards and breathe in air while coming up. normal breathing in the final position.




        on the supine keeping the legs together  and stretch the hands straight above the head area that is, from toes to head, the whole body in a straight rule.
        yoga sarvangasana.
        • Lift both the legs together up to 43 degrees from the ground.
        • More lift the legs up to 89 degrees and location the hands by the side of the body.
        yoga sarvangasana
        • Lift further , the botto and the trunk taking the support of the arms and the elbows by firmly placing the elbows on the ground and support the back with both the palms. keep the legs side by side to the ground.
        yoga sarvangasana
        • Keep the trunk and legs in a straight rule by supporting the trunk on the shoulders. Keep the head on the floor.
        • Return to point one
        • Benefits of Sarvangasana
          • Maintains healthy thyroid and thereby general health.beneficially influences and tones up the pelvic organs.brain gets rich supply of blood. 
        • yoga sarvangasana
          • Good in thandle ailments.
          • varicose veins, piles, hernia, faulty thyroid Good for concentration and balance of mind
          • Breathing
          Breathe at whatever time you bend downwards andbbreathe in air while coming up. normal breathing in the final position.



        Sasanakasana yoga technics :  Sit up right with legs moon, it is also beleived that origanaly the name sasankasana. in the final position of the asana the body reasembles a crecent moon or sasank
         slowely bend the right leg and keep the heel tight under the bottom
         bring the left leg under the left bottom.keep  the knees close to each other,needle   upright, the head, shoulders,and the bottom in a vertical position, rest the palm on the higher part of the thighs or covering the knees.
         Clutch the right hand with left palm supporting with back.
         Bend forward with wist  , rest the fore head on the floor in front of the knees.
         Slowely lift the head and chest up.
         untigh the hands and keep the palm on the thighs.
         Unfold the left leg and keep it streight.
         Revele the right leg and keep it streight.
         Benefits with Sasakasana yoga
      • Improves blood circulation to all  organs. Vitalizes pelvis and nerves of the lower bacj. . Helps in seminal weakness.

      • The circle becomes cool and mind relaxed.

      • whole body gets relaxed and the sensitivity can be felt throughout. 

      • Breathing   Breathe out at whatever time you bend downwards and breathe in air while coming up. normal breathing in the final position.


        July 21, 2011



        means halves and wheel, means our body in the phose look like a half wheel.

        Yoga technic for practice

         Stand upright in a straight line keeping the heels together and toes a little apart grow the chest and drop the shoulders to a relaxed position . keep the neck straight . fingers together, facing downwards and palms stretched along the thighs by the sides relaxed face.
        yoga ardhacakarasana.
        • Support the back at the waist by the palms, while breathe out.
        • Bent backwards from the lumber area, Neck bents backwards, stretching the muscles of the neck. breathe in air while bending. breath normally.
        • Come back to vertical position, keeping the support at the back at the waist by the palms breathe out.
        • Benefits of ardachakrasana yoga
        • Builds up feeling of balance and a feeling of confidence.
        • Tones up the dorsal Muscles, calves and lumbo sacral area , improves blood flow to chest and neck area .bendable of the needle is maintained.
        good in  handle asthama and low back pain relaxes cramps in thighs and calves.
             Breathe the out at whatever time you bend downwards and breathe in air while coming up



        Means name of the call tropical grasshopper that devours vegetatian.
        Technics of salabhasana yoga

        Lay down on the prone with the hands above the head keeping straight alongside the head relaxation the palms on the ground, touching the chin on the floor , and legs together , soles facing up. keep the body front toes to head in a straight rule.

      • Make the fists and location it under the root of the thigh.

      • lift both the legs together up from the waist.

      • back to point one.

      • Benefits of salabhasana yoga

        • Helpful in combating constipation, gastritis, diabetes and lumbago.
        yoga salabhasana
        • Body becomes light, agaile and active and helps in feeling control.
          > breathe out at whatever time you bend downwards and breathe in air while coming up . normal breathing in the final position.

          July 20, 2011



          Matsyasana yoga means looks like a fish,those who can capture this position can flot long time in water like a fish.

          Matsyasana technics

          Lay down on the supine keeping the legs together and hands above the head area that is , from toes to head the whole body in a straight rule.

        • Bent the right leg and keep the right foot on the left thigh.

        • Bent the leg then keep the left foot on the right thigh, thus assuming padmasana.

        • Location the palms on the floor above the shoulders, on either side of the head, fingers pointing to the shoulders.

        • then force the palms on the floor , heft the head neck and back off the floor, keep the centre of the crown of the head on the floor by bent the crown of the head on the floor by bending the dorsal and cervical sneedle backwards. Remove the hands and hook the big toes with the forefinger.

        • untie the palms then location them on the floor above the shoulders that is third pint.

        • force the palms and remove the centre of the crown of the head on the floor , then keep it properly on the floor.

        • unfold the left leg .

        • unfold the right leg, come back to the first point.

        • Benefits of matsyasana yoga

          • Very good for diabetes, asthma and people threatened with other lung diseases.
          • Body and mind become very light, agile, fresh and relaxed.
          • Patients of hypertension and cervical spontaneity should avoid.

        • HALASANA

          Halasana yoga

          Halasana means make your way laborisouly, in the final position of the posture, the body looks as a powl.
          Halasana yoga technics
          Lay down in the needle position keeping the legs together and stretch the hands straught above the head area that is from toes to head, the whole body in a straight
          Lift both the legs up to 40 degrees from the ground.
          Further lift the legs up to 85 degrees and place the hands by side of the body
          Lift further bottem and the trunk taking the support of the arms of the elbows on the ground and support back with both the palms keep the legs side by side to the ground.
          Bend more and touch the toes on the ground above the head and stretch the anckle. 

          Benefits of halasana yoga
          Activates, heated,lightens the psyco and psycholigical system
          good  for dypesya constipation due to weak organ muscles.
          The back muscles , vertebrae, and  lumber nerves are tretched and kept healthy. flexes and enlivens organs muscles. neck area receives plenty of blood supply and the nerves are toned up , also blood supply to chest increase , helps to maintain healthy thyroid. elasticity of needle
          Breathe out at whatever time you bend downwards and breathe in air while coming up . normal  breathing in the final position.



          CHAKRA  Means wheel asana means the position we practice,the final position of our body will be in that position just like wheel.

          Technicque of chakrasanas
          lay down on the supine keeping the legs together and stretching the hands straight above the head area that is , from toes to head the whole body in a straight rule.

        • Bend the knees and place the heels closest to the bottom. place your palmes by the ide of the respective ears by bent the elbows.

        • heft the body up above the ground and balance on the palms and feet.

        • Slowly return to the first position.

        • BENEFITS of chakrasana

        • A feeling of lightness and freshness is  awaken.

        • Builds strong biceps , calves and a bendable back. and motivate the nerves of the needle , one of the powerful back bending postures

        • Breath out at whatever time you bend downwards and breathe in air while coming up . normal breathing in the final position

        • clear the respiratory track

        • PADMASAN


          Padmasan means a lotus flower
          1.Keep the right foot on the left thigh.2.Start bouncing the right knee, if the bouncing knee easily touches the floor, then bend the left knee, take hold of the left foot with both hands gently glide it over the crossed right leg and place, it on the right thigh.
          yoga padmasanam
          3. This will give to symmetrical placements of the legs and you are in lotus position.
          4.The hands should be kept on the knees with palms open, and the thumb and second finger of each hand should touch forming a round

          1.This is on extremely good pose for meditation and concentration.
          2.It has a calming effect on the mind and the nerves.
          yoga padmasanam
          3. This pose keeps the spine upright.
          4.helps develop a good posture.
          5. Helps keep the joints in flexible condition.


          CHIN MUDRA


        • yoga Cin-Mudra   is the symbolic psychic gesture of awareness.
          The three fingers standing out represent body, mind and intellect that is standing out, going beyond or transcending one's body, mind and intellect.
          The the forefinger bending meaning surrendering or annihilating one's ego.
          The result of the above two is a circle formed by the index finger touching the thumb that is one realizes the Supreme.


          • in yoga asvini mudra's Sit upright padmasana.
          • Hold the breath and pull up the anus by contracting the sphincter , hold for about 11 seconds and breathe in air. Release the anus.
          • Repeat this rhythmically about 12 to 30 time.
          • This yoga asvini  mudra is useful in awaken the spiritual force dormant in the lower centres. Useful for pregnant women, and in remedy urinary and anal incontinence.



          • yoga shanmukhi mudra ,Sit uprightt in any meditatative posture
          • Spread out the of both hands over the face. and close the eyes, ears and nose tightly using the foll                                          owing fingers, the forefingers over the eyes, thumbs over the tragus of the ears, middle fingers over the nostrils , ring the little fingers over the lips thus closing all the orifices in the face.
          • open altternate nostrils by removing only the middle fingers 
          • yoga shanmukhi mudra .This mudra is very use ful in taking the mind meditation. it cuts off all external motive coming from the four special senses that is illusion , hearing, smell in meditation by following the fine internal sound of the breath along with a mantra. 
          • Useful in persons endure from tension headches.

          YOGA MUDRA

          • yoga mudra is. Sit in padmasana , catch hold of the right wrist by left hand bent the back.
          • turn forward and touch the floor by the forehead . return
          • yoga mudra can also be performed by putting the palms in between the heel and the abdominal wall, before bent forward.
          • yoga mudra benefits
          • yoga mudras This remedy the diseases of the organs and pelvis, tones up the nerves helps in cases of seminal weakness.




        • yoga cinmaya mudra is sit comfortable sitting position, with the needle upright. Place . Fingers and thumbs together and extend the other 3 fingers out. Turn the palms.Upwards, and rest the backs of the hands onto the knees or thighs. in yoga cinmaya mudrasClose the eyes and breathe naturally, through the nose. Try to maintain consciousness of each. Breath moving into and out of the nostrils for two or three minutes.

        • yoga cinmaya mudra Benefits.

        • yoga Cin mudras opens the lower lobes of the lungs, and motivate apian vatu, the prana  This moves down, from the navel to the perineum. In physical terms it is in charge of The elimination of the body’s waste and toxins. In more subtle terms, it is in charge of Letting go.

        • ADI MUDRA


          HOW TO DO:

          adi mudra is Now place the thumbs into the palms in yoga adi mudra, and curl the other fingers over the thumbs. Place These ‘fists’ down onto the thighs, with the backs of the hands higher

          Audi mudra opens the higher lobes of the lungs. It motivate Udana vatu, the prana that Moves upwards in the head region, and outwards to the extremities. In physical terms, it is in charge of the balancing and healing the sense organs. In more subtle terms it is in Charge of balancing our appreciations. yoga adi mudra in Try to maintain awareness of each breath moving into  out of the nostrils for two or three minutes.

          WARM UP

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          Stand upright  and place the fists loosely on the chest. start jumping on the toes and touching the heels at the back in relaxed way..
          Grow the speed taking place in stages over a long period and come to a steady jogging the spead.
          carry on deep rhythmic breathing and relax the entire body during jogging.continue for a while. jogging
          Continue the practice with side jogging by spreading the legs sidewards and lift the heels upwards by bent the knees. stand a while and perform. jogging

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          YOGA RULES


          Dont perform yoga before 5 hours after the meals and atleast 2hours after the light breakfast,avoid restorative reviving drinks.
        • yoga asanas can be do carry out before or after bath, but allow about half an hour between asanas and bath.

        • yoga asanas and physically activity should not be combined. after extending and similar activity, perform savasana for a sufficiant length of time before starting asanas.

        • relaxing the body in a position is of vital importance. remove all tensian in the final position. relax for a few minutes in between the asanas.

        • after the yogasanas, one should feel fresh and relaxed, never fired, exhausted or a pullover.

        • do not over exert beyond your ability to maintain the positions for long durations. instead, adjust the timings according to your development.

        • regularly practice is essential for fast development. woman should not exercise asanas during menstrual time. one should stop exercising asans after the fifth month of pregnancy up to, two or three months after the confinement exclude under expert guidence.