Means the body poses like triangle in yoga.
Stand upright in a straight rule keeping the heels together and toes a little apart. grow the chest and drop the shoulders to a relaxed position. keep the neck straight. fingers together, facing downwards and palms stretched along thighs by the sides relaxed face.
- Lift both the hands slowly by the sides till they reach the horizontally position as the right foot is moved to about a meter away from the left foot.
yoga trikonasanam.
- slowly bend the right side in the same plane. The fingers of the right hand touch the foot . the left arm is straight up, in line with the right hand . left palm faces forward. stretch up the left arm and gaze along the fingers. (breathe out).
yoga trikonasanam.
- slowly come back to horizontally position with out disturbing the legs.
- fetch both the hands slowly down while keeping the right leg by the side of the other leg. same reat other side.
yoga trikonasanam Benefits:
- Stretches the whole body specifically the needle and back muscles. Stretch and relaxation of intercostal muscles, thighs, calves and hamstring muscles.Adrenal glands are stimulated.Messages liver, spleen, Pancreas and kidneys. Slims down the hips and waistline, strengthens calves and thighs.
- good for flat foot , diabets respiratory ailments,
yoga trikonasanam.
>Breathe out at whatever time you bend sidewards and breathe in air while coming up. normal breathing in the final position.
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